CLub Sports Council

Mission Statement: To facilitate conversations, lead initiatives, and provide opportunities that enhance Club Sports Athlete’s academic and athletic experience, setting them up for success beyond their college careers

Philine Weisbeek

Philine Weisbeek

Chair-Cabot/External Facility Rep

Philine is a 4th year behavioral neuroscience major and 2nd year council member serving as Chair for the 24-25 school year. She is also in her 3rd year of serving on the Equestrian E-board in her 2nd as president. As CSC Chair Philine is committed to the growth of the CSC and creating more cross-club collaboration and networking of the Club Sports Community here at Northeastern.

Emily O'Brien:

Emily O'Brien:

Vice Chair-Squashbusters Facility Rep

Emily is a 4th year Journalism + English major and 3rd year council member serving as Vice Chair for the 24-25 school year. She is also in her 3rd year of serving on the Women’s Squash E-board in her 2nd as president. As CSC Vice Chair Emily is focused on developing communication between individual clubs and the CSC to facilitate student-led resources and improve the transition process for clubs from year to year.

Hailey Koppelman

Hailey Koppelman

Secretary-Cabot/External Facility Rep

Hailey is a 4th year Health Science major and 2nd year council member serving as Secretary for the 24-25 school year. She is also in her 3rd year of serving on the Gymnastics E-board and is the current treasurer. As CSC Secretary Hailey is working to improve the structure of the CSC to facilitate transitions and improve the student capacity for impact as a part of the CSC. She is also working with Emily to create more general transition resources for new club executives.

Miranda Carrillo

Miranda Carrillo

Community Liaison-Marino Facility Rep

Miranda is a 2nd year majoring in History, Culture and Law. She is a first year council member serving as Community Liaison for the 24-25 school year. She is also in her 2nd year of serving on the Dance E-board as Treasurer. As CSC community Liason Miranda is aiming to work alongside Philine to improve the interconnectedness of club sports to create a general Club Sports community that goes beyond individual sport.

Mitch Whelan

Mitch Whelan

Professional Development Coordinator-Carter Field Facility Rep

Mitch is a 4th year majoring in Mathematics and first year council member serving as Professional Development Coordinator. He is also in his 2nd year of serving on the Club Roundnet E-Board where he currently serves as president. As CSC Professional Development Coordinator Mitch is focusing on creating opportunities to connect Club Sports athletes with industry connections and Co-op.

Kyle Wilson

Kyle Wilson

Alumni Coordinator-Matthews Facility Rep

Kyle is a 3rd year Business Administration major and first year council member serving as Alumni Coordinator. He is also in his 2nd year of serving on the Men’s Club Hockey E-board where he currently serves as president. As CSC Alumni Coordinator Kyle is focused on helping clubs foster higher quality alumni engagement and developing resources for clubs to use when doing alumni outreach community development.

Email Us

For any questions or other inquiries for the Club Sports Council

Book with Us

For any executives that wish to book a meeting with a council member during their office hours.

QCC Form

For any general questions, comments or concerns that would like to communicate to the Council.